500lb Block And Roll® Tent Ballast Block

-5% Off

Original price was: $159.00.Current price is: $151.05.

Extra savings when you buy in bulk!
75+ $139.00 ea.


Pre-Made 500lb +/- Block And Roll® Block with 2 tie off points.
Compatible with Mover Hand Carts.

Truckload Discounts available.  Mix and match sizes 75 blocks or 45,000lb.

Dimensions: 20″x20″x16.5″H

Note: Pre-Made blocks may have imperfections or chips as with all concrete products. Blocks will vary in weight due to mix and rock content at time of casting.

Blocks ship from NY, CA, MI & LA

PATENT NO.: US 9,868,455

This item requires to be shipped VIA Freight Carrier and is not eligible for the Free shipping Promotion.

500lb Block And Roll® Tent Ballast Block

Original price was: $159.00.Current price is: $151.05.